Learn By Doing“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiencing the environment.” – Maria Montessori.
The Montessori One Program
Freedom to Choose
Easy Access
The organization of the room allows the children easy access to a variety of learning experiences. Children are free to move and tire less.
The classroom is used as a library or resource room for projects and studies. The room is specifically organized to appear attractive and orderly.
Respect and Positive Values
Self Motivation
Broad Curriculum
Multi-age grouping whereby students learn “horizontally from observation of other people’s work, directly or indirectly. Our Montessori curriculum is much broader than many other programs and includes music, foreign languages and dance/ gymnastics. Cultural studies are also an important part of our program, acknowledging our diverse student body, families and staff.
What Our Families are Saying