Dr. Maria Montessori, originator of the Montessori Method of Education, was the first woman graduate of the University of Rome Medical School in 1907. As a physician treating children with orthopedic conditions and slight retardation, Dr. Montessori developed skill building apparatus to assist in the development of these special children. At this point Dr. Montessori shifted her avocation from medicine to education, approaching the subject as a scientist; she observed and tested her ideas for their validity in aiding children in their growth. This open minded attitude, which requires respect for the child, is the most fundamental aspect of the Montessori Education.

The teaching approach is twofold. The first part is centered on the materials and the second part on the teaching method.

The Montessori Primary and Elementary Education is called the Education for Peace Curriculum which is taught through the materials and gives the child a Global Vision of the world in which they live. The teaching method is called the Three Part Lesson;

“this is”, “show me,” and “tell me what this is”. This form of teaching is self correcting and failure proof which gives the child a clear understanding of the lesson presented.


New enrollments are accepted at different times of the year depending if there are openings, preferably at the beginning of the school year or the beginning of the second semester. Application is to be made in person. There are basically 3 different programs available: half day, full day, and extended day, with options for the number of days. Please call for more information and to make an appointment for a school tour.


Montessori One is licensed for children ages 2 to 6. Our school admits children age 2 years to 5 years (we offer a pre-school program and a complete kindergarten program). Montessori One accepts children of any religion, race, color, national or ethnic origin. Children should be toilet trained. (Some exceptions may apply).


Montessori One Children’s Learning Center is open from 7:30 A.M. until 6:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday. We offer before and after school childcare. Montessori One is open during the summer months and a complete summer program is available.

The Montessori One Program

  • Respect for individual differences and needs; we teach to individuals instead of groups.
  • Self motivation and child learning process; children learn through practicing tasks rather than through listening and having to
  • Our emphasis is on self discipline developed through helping the child learn how to appropriately meet needs rather than through the use of rewards and punishments. Children learn at their own pace, free to complete a project or pursue a subject as deeply as they wish and according to personal enthusiasm. Children’s creativity is always respected.
  • Knowledge is acquired through the use of concrete materials, scientifically designed to enhance conceptual thinking and lead to abstraction. The materials in our Montessori classroom are carefully designed to also fit the developmental needs and characteristics of children.
  • The organization of the room allows the children easy access to a variety of learning experiences. Children are free to move and tire less.
  • Testing is built into the method as the third period of the “three-period-lesson and is applied routinely when the child is ready. Testing aims at self correction, repetition and competence.
  • Our Montessori teachers are trained to teach respect and positive values. The Montessori philosophy of helping a child is through a process of showing a child what to do in a constructive manner. Children have a natural love for work and are always viewed as positive beings. Fulfilling the development of the child lays the foundation for achieving a productive and rewarding adult life.
  • Our Montessori curriculum is much broader than many other programs and includes music, foreign languages and dance/ gymnastics. Cultural studies are also an important part of our program, acknowledging our diverse student body, families and staff.

Fundamental Differences Between Montessori And Traditional Education


  • Respect for individual differences.
  • Sell-motivation and child centered learning process.
  • Multi-age grouping whereby students leam “horizontally” from observation of other people’s work, directly or indirectly.
  • Students learn at their own pace, free to complete a project or pursue a subject as uberly ds they wish and according to personal enthusiasm.
  • Students learn by practicing their subject matters while in school with the supervision and assistance of the teacher as needed.
  • The classroom is used as a library or resource room for projects and studies: the children are free to move and tire less.
  • Knowledge is acquired through the use of concrete materials, scientifically designed to enhance conceptual thinking and lead to abstraction.
  • Testing is built into the method as the third period of the “three-period-lesson” and is applied routinely when the individual is ready.
    Testing aims at self-correction, repetiton and competence.


  • Emphasis on conforming to the group.
  • Emphasis on grades, punishment or rewards as motivating factors.
  • Students grouped chronologically to suit teachers pre-planned class lessons.
  • Subjects are taught in lecture form and students must change classes and attend lessons all at the same time.
  • Students must practice on their own and be graded on “busy work or home work that is often done without close monitoring.
  • Students work at desks and passively sit to listen to lectures for long periods. The work period must be interrupted frequently.
  • Knowledge often consists of memorization of irrelevant information from abstract concepts unrelated to the child’s daily experience.
  • Scheduled testing does not take into consideration te neparaton or econ individual. Students are intimidated and taught that passing is more important than knowing.